Save these fields where history was made

A lovely letter describing some elements of how History abounds in this small corner of Warwickshire...

SIR: These ancient fields would have been walked by the man who sowed the seeds of religious change in England… and the same turf must also have been familiar to a parliamentarian squire who would one day sign the death warrant of a king.

Lutterworth priest John Wycliffe risked the wrath of a pope to lay the foundations of English Protestantism in the 14th century. And John Dixwell of Coton House, near Churchover, added his name to the document that sealed the fate of Charles I in 1649.

History abounds in this small corner of Warwickshire. But despite all that heritage, a Scottish company seems bent on defiling the beautiful Swift Valley in the name of a technology that ironically must destroy in the name of conservation.

I view the plan for a wind farm around my home village with utter dismay. It’s said that the child is father to the man, and nothing could be more apt as far as I’m concerned.

Churchover moulded me. I remember the days before the motorway cut across this little parish, and a time before the gas station appeared in the field just below my childhood home.

I can easily recall a time when Rugby started just south of Brownsover and there was no urban sprawl up to the M6.

Wind turbines are a flawed technology. Experts concede that they can only supply a small percentage of this country’s energy requirement. They are unsightly and disturb and destroy wildlife. In the name of sanity, how can this folly qualify for the label of ‘green technology’?

Wycliffe and Dixwell were both rebels in their day. Something tells me that they would fully approve of protest movement Against Subsidised Windfarms Around Rugby.

I therefore plead with the powers-that-be to turn down this misguided development. My beloved home village is already squeezed by encroaching urbanisation… surely, enough is enough?

Yours faithfully,

John Phillpott,

Journalist and author,


See article:-
